
Cactus seeds germination

Cactus seeds germination guideline

1. Potting mix (detailed in the product listing information and on the seed package).Basically, any 'cactus mix' from nursery should fit well. To minimize possible molding problem, make sure the compost you bought is sterile (most commercial compost are). Preferably, buy a new pack instead of using an already opened one.
2. Seed Tray with or without bottom heating.

1. Sow your seeds on to the top layers or on the surface of your growing medium in your pot or in seed trays. Cover the seeds with a very thin layer of soil - not more than 2 mm. (Seed tray or propagator with bottom heating is preferable but not a must. Bottom heating help improve optimum humidity for higher germination rate.)
2. Strong light can enhance germination. Try putting the seed tray or pot under full light as much as possible. Use artificial light to stimulate germination if necessary.
3. Maintain a low humidity for the germination by regular watering. Do not over water as this is a cacti species - they generally do not tolerate over watering.
4. Germination of this type of seed should naturally occur in 2-4 weeks.

1. Do not bury the seed too deep as cactus cannot germination in such condition.
3. Most cacti seeds has higher germination rate at 25-35 degree Celsius. Germination attempt made during winter (15 degree or below) normally guarantee a poor result. 

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