
Lotus seeds germination

Lotus is an interesting addition to your collection! This post covers only pre-treated lotus seeds. (Seeds that has been cracked open at one end to promote germination rate.) 

Here are the steps for direct germination :


1. A bowl that is 20-25cm in diameter and 15-25 cm deep.
2. Lotus seeds 
3. Tap water


1.Soak the Ginkgo in the bowl with room temperature tap water. Ideal room temperature is 20-30 Degree Celsius. The water should at least cover the seeds by 1 inch.
2. Change water twice a day to ensure the water is fresh.
3.Germination should occurs in 7-10 days.
4.Once germinated,move the seedlings to place where it can receive plenty of sunlight.
5.The first leaf and roots should starts to grow in 2-3 weeks.

Ginkgo Seeds Germination

If your Ginkgo seeds are fresh ,cold stratification can be skipped - you can soak the seeds in water first and germinate them directly in compost.

Here are the steps for direct germination :

1. Potting mix (detailed in the product listing information and on the seed package).Basically,ask the nursery for a general purpose compost should fits well. Preferably,add about 20% of coarse sand (or any sandy soil) to achieve better drainage).The compost should be neutral and a bit sandy. To minimize possible molding problem, make sure the compost you bought is sterile (most commercial compost are). Preferably, buy a new pack instead of using an already opened one.
2. Seed Tray.
3. A bucket filled with cold tap water enough to cover the seeds by at least 2 inches.

1.Soak the Ginkgo seeds in the water bucket filled with cold tap water for 48 hours. (The water should cover the seeds by at least 2 inches.)Do not change the water during this period even if the water gets a bit muddy.
2. After 48 hours,rinse the Ginkgo seeds gently.
3. Sow your seeds on to the top layers of your growing medium in your pot or in seed trays. Cover the seeds with a layer of soil - 3-4 cm.
4. Light can enhance germination. Try putting the seed tray or pot under sunlight as much as possible. 
5. Maintain a medium level of humidity for the germination by regular watering. 
6. Germination of this type of seed should naturally occurs in 4-8 weeks.

1. Do not plant the seeds or seedlings under extremely temperature. Temperature below 15 degree Celcius or above 30 degree Celcius normally guarantee a poor result.